Are we truly meant for each other?

Are we truly meant for each other?

If you’ve ever asked this question, you’re not necessarily, doubting a prior decision, nor are you alone in your contemplation. Almost every couple on the face of the earth at some time in their relationship has asked this question (often after they’ve hit some road bumps)

The key to answering this question is to take a step to the side for a wider perspective

o  There is no such thing as a perfect partner

You are an imperfect person living in an imperfect world while doing your best to relate to an imperfect partner

o  Opposites often attract.

That’s because we most need and subconsciously see the strengths and qualities in others, that we lack. Think of your car battery. It has a positive and a negative terminal and that gives the car its power. There’s power in harnessing your complimentary differences

o  Stop comparing your partner to others

Every person no matter how attractive they may seem has their foibles and difficulties. Consider again the wonderful qualities that attracted you and your partner to each other and made you fall in love with them.

o  From time to time, have some “How are we doing?” discussions.

Together, bravely review some of the major issues, which may be seeking to derail your love, happiness, and harmony. Raise your issues as a concern, not a criticism or an accusation. Attack the problem, not the person. These discussions will likely prevent unpleasant quarrels in the future.

With those broader perspectives in mind, here are some indicators that you and your partner are a great fit:

  • Being together just feels right
  • You try to make it work - no matter what 
  • You both help each other to be a better person
  • You have similar values and beliefs
  • Your partner’s weaknesses are your strengths
  • You find comfort in dealing with life’s struggles together
  • You share in each other’s joys and struggles as if they were your own
  • You can finish each other’s sentences
  • You laugh at many of the same stupid things
  • You are truly best friends
  • You talk openly and honestly
  • Life would be empty without them