Workshops and Webinars 



Sometimes, the most relationship enriching thing you can do for your romantic other - may not be flowers, chocolates or the gift of an overstuffed teddy bear! How about something you will both love that is meaningful, memorable and that will grow your relationship to new levels of love, happiness and harmony

It always means so much to your partner when you take the initiative to invest in your relationship. The 60 couples who attended last months "couples workshop" are still raving about it.


SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA: Saturday March 9th. 9.30am – 4949 Fulton Drive Fairfield California 94534 (just a 30-minute pleasant drive north of San Francisco). Lunch included

Sign up today for the early-bird rate and enjoy four amazing interactive sessions in four hours. FOR REGISTRATION + TICKETS PLEASE CLICK THE GRAY BUTTON BELOW

SESSION ONE: The Realities of Relationships: How to effectively un-package the complexity of your partner’s personality, expectations, fears, needs + history and their subsequent influence upon your Relationship and/or Marriage

SESSION TWO: Understanding Your Partner and Being Understood By Your Partner: Learn how to transform your interpersonal communication to experience closeness and bonding through the lens of understanding and meeting your partner’s deepest feelings and needs.

SESSION THREE: Resolving Conflicts and Annoying Differences While Retaining Hope + Harmony: Learn non-judgmental ways to engage and respond to conflict and how couples can stop the cycle of conflict from spiraling into chaos. Develop skills that enable fruitful negotiation + problem solving as a ‘couple team’.

SESSION FOUR: Giving and Receiving the Love You Need and the Affection You Crave.  Learn the secrets to lasting love, happiness and harmony, through romance, affection, and sexual intimacy.


Right now we are exploring the best way to offer all our couple friends (and their friends) a FREE online monthly mini webinar and discussion platform that not only offers helpful skills in couple relationship dynamics but helps normalize and un-package the challenges every couple faces in their marriage. Let us know what areas you would like to discuss.